Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hank's New look! Isn't he so cute?


Macey playing with the animals.

Cami came up with a friend and the kids. We took them to Dan's to see all the animals. They had a blast.


Cami, Nicole and all the kids. We figured out that we had a 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 year old for a few days. CRAZY, but fun!

Skipping Rocks!

Riding the Goats.


*Katie May* said...

Love Hanks new look! Looks like they had fun!

*Katie May* said...

******oh also don't click on the first comment it is probably someone that gives you a virus or can hack into your blog if you click on it. I would recommend erasing it*******

Colton said...

Hello from Camp Verde!

Which one is Hank?

Just kidding. That is a pretty ferocious get-up, though.